What We're Learning

Evidence for Action (E4A) funds research evaluating the population health, wellbeing, and racial equity impacts of programs, policies, and practices. What We're Learning is a repository of media pieces, research articles, presentations, reports, and other materials highlighting E4A supported research and findings. Sort by topic or resource type. 

Image of two people at a food bank
Health shocks negatively impact low socioeconomic status households, as they are least likely to have wealth to cover associated expenses or loss of income, are most likely to move and less likely to visit food distribution centers. Understanding the interplay of health and economic and food insecurity can inform the development of better social policies and interventions.
Published Research resource
Image of two people at a food bank
Food insecurity is associated with poorer self-rated health, more frequent days of poor health, higher body mass index, more symptoms of depression, and a higher prevalence of diabetes, smoking, and functional limitations. However, receipt of food assistance is actually tied to poorer health. The relationship between the food assistance and health needs to be further explored.
Published Research resource

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